Why I should bother studying the worlds history?
- Gain knowledge of other cultures
- Realize how far we've come as a world
- Help me relate to other people
Why I should bother studying the literature?
- Relate characters experiences to our everyday lives
- Experience things vicariously
Why I should bother studying language arts?
- Improve communication skills
- Learn the proper ways to read and write
- Become better at getting my points across through writing
Why I should bother studying geography?
- Compare our lifestyle based on our geography to that of others
- Know the geographic dangers of where I live as well as places I may visit someday
- Help understand why cultures live the way they do
Bruce Man it's blake the dude that is in your chemistry class. HEHE. Anyway Nice blog it looks like you know what you are doing.
yeah dude we are totally going to dominate in basketball. We have to win. If we don't Ill die. JK. Anyway. Last year was a good year for the basetball team although we didn't win alot we had a lot of fun with it. So I think that you will have fun.
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