Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Printing Press vs. Gunpowder round 1


Today in Socratic Seminar we were questioned which was more influential on society, the printing press or gunpowder? The fact of the matter is they have both been vital in shaping our world as we know it today. They are both the fuel behind revoulutions, we wouldn't be a country today with out both of these items. Without gunpowder we would have surely lost the war to the British's much better fighting style. Without the printing press the war would probably have never been started, texts and papers were used to communicate between the colonies and helped print much propaganda and other texts that fueled our nations anger toward the British. Which was more influential to todays society is a true toss up, and I cannot decide between the two. I want to know your opinion, however I do believe that the printing press will be more influential to our future.


J- dawg said...

Dude nice. Were did you find the pics?

J- dawg said...
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Mr. Dye said...

I wonder if the printing press will ever be obsolete. Despite the availability of web publishing, there seems to be something about having a book to read that we like. I know that personally, I don't enjoy reading online as well as in a book.

Nonetheless, I wonder if the development of the Internet has been as important as the development of the printing press. What do you think?

Blake said...

I really think that gunpowder is the answer to what this country needs right now because right now everything is on paper, in a way, and nothing is really being done about some of these things that are being put on paper.